Sunday, January 30, 2011

And we're back...

Well, I'm back. You may have noticed things have changed around here. It has come to my attention that the best way to get the wrong kind of attention from the wrong kind of people, i.e people with more money and better lawyers that you, is to have an anime blog that supplies links to projects they allegedly have purchased the rights to. So from now on this blog will be used to host the amusing thoughts and ramblings that usually manifest themselves around the time I'm trying to get some fucking sleep. First up, the plight that is recent anime.

You know, the more I watch anime and frequent sites like Sankaku Complex the more I grow to hate the Japanese and everything in their current culture. Every single thing they churn out is a fucking cliche; the fact that keywords on sites like anidb lead to thousands of different shows is evidence of that. Every show inevitably has a sudden girlfriend or harem, and every male lead will act like a socially inept tosser who shoots blood from his nose if a girl so much as rubs up against him, which of course will get him beaten nearly to death by the twinkly eyed cock wallet of the moment. Remember kids, violence against women is wrong, but they can beat you and stab you and sell your possessions to spite you because that is what equality is all about. The Orwellian future is now, only it's feminists and equality that are imposing their control on us, not government (Will save the rest of that rant for the next time I let my inner misogynist out).

Some may say I take these things too seriously, and that it's just anime. But what of the select few shows where people react to these events in the way you'd expect someone with a functioning brain to react, you ask? Or shows like Mushishi or Saraiya Goyou in which the events just don't take place? Well of course the shut-ins that compose 50% (Made up figure) of Japan's population refuse to watch it and it gets canceled or receives one short season and then fades into obscurity because there weren't 15 excessively naive virgin girls fighting over some skinny androgynous teen who develops a fatal bleeding condition the second he looks at a girl. Of course if it isn't hotties and idiots, it's robots and children, or teenagers and superpowers, or one of the other redundant things the Japanese can't seem to free their creativity from. Though at the same time western entertainment is no better, it just has a different heap of samey bullshit it grinds up and pours into a new mold every time the drug bucket starts to get low.

Another thing I just can't wrap my mind around is how idols and celebrities are treated in Japan. People getting fired from news anchor positions because they were holding a box of condoms while fully clothed in a photograph that was somehow uploaded to the web, or voice actresses and idols receiving death threats because they "betrayed" their fanbase by having sex with their partner of 3 years. It's enough to make one facepalm hard enough to break bones.

The only thing in current Japanese culture that doesn't seem tainted at this point is porn. Because let's face it, the story takes a distant back seat to it's essential purpose: getting your rocks off.

Perhaps I'm just inherently jaded, but I feel it best to abandon this sinking ship that is mainstream anime before the rats start clawing at your ankles in an attempt to escape the rising water that is generic moe and bullshit.

Stay tuned for my next rant when I tear into whatever it is that is currently eating at me like a starved anteater, or perhaps I'll just make a calm observation about something interesting in life.


  1. Hell yeah, you're back with more --- never mind.
    So you got one of those C&Ds or whatever.

    Delicious rage and shit, eh?
    As I see it, Japan must be the worst hellhole in the "Developed Countries", with USA and Germany a close second. Reasons? TL;DR stuff. Guess we could talk about it for a year and still had some more to say.

    Oh, anime. What are your thoughts on NGE?

  2. I like the new movies as well as one can when dealing with a show about teens piloting giant cyborg robot creatures. Definitely making good use of that large budget. I did feel that the first movie had a bit more ommpf than the second one though. Thankfully those nice folks at _____ have been dodging C&Ds for years and don't seem to be fazed at all by them. Guess that third movie should be looming on the horizon some time in the near future.

  3. Sankaku is something like CNN they make truth 100 times worst.

  4. lol @ you getting your image of anime form sankaku complex.
    that's like getting your image of humanity form 4chan.

    you need to widen your scope, srsly.there are many types of anime out there and yes, most last 13-26 episodes. enough to flesh out a story and short enough not to sell out. works well enough.

  5. No, dude. I get my image of anime from watching anime. Over the last 7 years I've watched over 3 Terabytes of anime, which likely equates to thousands of hours. FFS, I've subbed over 125 episodes of it myself. If my scope were any wider, sea water would rush in and drown the crew.
